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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HELP need to choose (bluemax, beemer, 7500, or 950

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if the 950 werent there

it wouldnt be a weight issue and would be the 7500s fo sho

soo wut is it guys?

narrow down the choices

light wit eyelet problems vs. heavyish? (not sure) but solid

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is the 7500 really heavy.. i picked it up myself and didnt think it was that heavy.. i coulda swarn it was about the same weight as the blue maxx.. 7500 is a good skate.. very well built.. you wont be disappointed

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I know light skates are nice to have.....but are those couple of grams in the difference between a 7500 and a blue max gonna make that much difference. If you really notice the difference to begin with after a while skating in them your leg muscles will build up and take care of the "problem" for you. Go for the skates that are built the best and fit you the best. This year the mission line are IMHO the best skates that have been built for roller hockey and for me at least the fit is amazing. Save yourself buying skates again next year and buy the 7500s.

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yea yea yea

already said i would buy the 7500 like 5 posts ago

ordered em well right now actually lol

6 on tha west

from epuck and got the skinner moves for roller hockey dvd too cuase seems like it might help me out

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