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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alberta Jobs

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I am just wondering of some of you guys may know people who left home to go work in western part of the country. How it is to work over there. I am thinking about maybe leaving the maritimes and going to work for about a year or so to help pay for my tuition fees cause I'm up to about 40 000 and haven't finished university yet. Just to know if you guy's have heard about personal experiances.

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Well I'm not sure what type of a job you'll be able to find. In my experience, with people I know, the only ones who have found jobs they really enjoyed while still in school were those that got setup on a coop program. If you've graduated, you'll have a much better chance of finding something that isn't bottom of the barrel menial work. What type of degree are you taking?

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Head it up to fort Macmurray. A couple guys I know are pullin in around $5,000-$6,000 a month there. Living is damn expensive but I think if you get hooked up with the right employer they'll pay for you to live in the camps where you get a bed, food and the basics. I hear it's a rough life, but the cash is pretty decent if you can take it. It'd be something to look into I guess.

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I would take a leave of abscence from university and work a full year. Right now I'm studying in leasure services. I don't want to completly quit university, just work a year to help pay my student loans and not have to live on my last penny like I do now with my loan.

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Yeah, I went up to Dawson Creek with my mom when I was young to shop. We used to live in Thumbler Ridge. I don't remember anything about those places though.

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