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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS redlite shaft( not xn10)

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Dude, chap, mate....

You posted a topic on this. Then you posted another topic on this. It was locked. Now you're posting a third topic on this?

Mack, you have my utmost permission to do what you will with this post...may you do your worst.

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Not trying to stir trouble or anything but on my last topic i was asking for reccomendations on some different shafts but all im wondering now is about this shaft , as i have searched and found nothing even though i remember a topic comparing the redlite and xn10 before. Sorry for any trouble :(

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I would compare it the Easton Ultra Lite. It's light, not the lightest, and it tends to have pretty good durability. I'd say it weighs between 280 and 290 grams. I think you can find them relatively cheap right now too.

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I've had a couple for a while, they hold up pretty well but I'm not a big guy. Good bang for the buck though.

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