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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my job at school is workign the public skate, and its always counter clockwise, except when its wednesday afternoon and the christian loving homeschoolers come on the ice, they go the wrong way, just like they did in choice of schooling

hahaha.....and don't forget that they are right and you are wrong. It is their job to think for you and set you straight.

Sorry, I couldn't pass that one up.

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Gee I have wondered about this for years and always throught there was a logical explanation - seeing this thread I thought I was about to find out...My own thoughts on it, well, I also find it is the same with riding a motorcycle, I mean turning to the left and dropping the bike really low and gunning it into the turn is a lot more comfortable than doing it to the right...there has to be some explanation beyond we are used to it. They say we all have one leg longer than the other, I wonder if for the most of us it's the right leg? that would make cross overs to the left easier wouldn't it? haha!

Surely there is someone on this board that has an answer?

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They say we all have one leg longer than the other

this is true; my third leg is the longest....

yeah i have the answer...

most of us are right-handed, okay... supposedly, you can go into a left crossover harder because you have more confidence in landing correctly on your right foot.

i know this is true for me, because i have problems sometimes landing on my left foot when i crossover to the right...

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