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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy ST blade

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i just orcered a ST yestarday on epuck for $35 and i was wondering if it was as light as the z-carbon because its about $15 dollars cheaper so i figure it must be heavier, n=but im not sure so if any of u guys kno how much it wieghs id like to kno

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i just orcered a ST yestarday on epuck for $35 and i  was wondering if it was as light as the z-carbon because its about $15 dollars cheaper so i figure it must be heavier, n=but im not sure so if any of u guys kno how much it wieghs id like to kno

Z carbon is 155 Grams, ST is 175 Grams. per easton catalog.

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I am using a St blade at the mo, there good blades. Not sure why its cheaper coz the blade feels very nice to use!

Im thinking of geting one can you tell me a bit more about how they perform and there durability :huh:

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