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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 8k and 6k

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What are the differences when it comes to the two pants??? i know the 8k have the "short girdle design" but the way the 6k are described it sounds like they do as well. There has to be somthing to make the $40+ difference.

Well im looking for new pants cause i have a the mbp girdle from bauer ( not the vaport 8) a nd i love the feel of it but i just beat up my hip really badly. it was just a hit into the boards and my him went in hard. the pad didnt shift at all but it swelled up like a balloon and its been hurting me for a week or so now. If anyone has any high end pants that they are willing to part with (size= large ish i wear a 34-36 jeans) and definately need somthing that will protect me more. the reason i dont just buy the 8k's is because i only have half a season left of competetive hockey and i cant justify spending $140 on a pair of pants for that short of time.

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