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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer lbdp glove at peranis...

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i called up peranis and the guy i talked to about the bauer lbdp glove in red/white nylon didnt seem like he really saw the glove. i called back and talked to a different guy and it was the same thing. for anyone who has seen the glove could describe it to me. ive had a pair before and loved them and i have always been searching for a pair of those in red and white. are they the style show in the picture but only in nylon? im going to order asap but i really need info from someone who knows which gloves im talking about.


so basically the same but just in nylon...thats what my idea is on these gloves...? can anyone verify from peranis...?

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I have to say it's almost like you posted this for me.

I just ordered a pair from 1800faceoff.com. I think they are affiliated with Peranis because they seem to stock exactly the same things.

Anyway, I ordered the Black leather version and needless to say, they were junk. But I guess for 50 bucks what did I expect? They were 14's that didn't fit right and they weren't actual leather so I returned them. They seemed very cheap to me. I'm going to try the Flak's they've got....

I'll let you know if I like them.

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no i get the fact that they have them at peranis, but what i was asking about the color scheme...if it is just like the one in the picture above in the red/white combo...i know these are good gloves and i happen to like them...for 40 bucks you cant go wrong for pro level gloves...

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