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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dying gloves

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i dont know if this has been talked about before but i want to dye my nylon easton gloves to navy blue. They are red and white and i was wondering what your suggestions were and how to go about doing this. thanks.

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Well i think the easiest way to go would be spray paint. I kno thats what they do to pros gloves who just switched teams and dont have enough time to break in new gloves

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If you really want to dye the leather, and not just spray paint. Here is what I would do:

Go to Tandy Leather or some similar place and by leather dye. Brush it on a small area and see how it absorbs. If it won't absorb into the leather, take some sandpaper and rough up a small area and try again. Once you get a spot that will absorb the dye, experiment until you get the color the way you want it then do the same to the rest of the glove.

Dyeing will last much longer than painting as the color is in the leather not on the leather.

Of course when you dye, you can't go lighter, only darker.

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