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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission skates

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I just purchased my S500's and I have had to do some playing with them to get them to fit. I have a wide foot and I had been reading that they fit true to shoe size too but they didnt. I wear between a 8.5 and a 9 in street shoes, so I first went with a 8.5 in the mission. I wore them around the house and they felt just too big, but the width was wonderful. I ended returning them for an 8 and the fit is much better except the width. Because of this, I have heated up the toe area with a heat gun and stretched the toe area a bit. Its not quite perfect yet but they are getting close to perfect. The skates just looked so bad ass, I had to get them. Fit or not, had to have them. G

Just wondering if it still was a d width? or an EE width since you said you had wide feet.

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8EE. The funny thing is the 8.5 was very generous in the width. Half size smaller and they were too tight. Im working on them this morning at work. Look on ebay, I picked up my S500's for 225.00 + shipping. I know I had seen some s300's and 400's there too. It sure is different than the old shool I was using. The old 301's could be bent anywhere, the new ones are crazy stiff. I still need to skate more with them in order to give a final stamp of approval. If the skates need anything IMHO it would be a tongue pad like my Daoust. Extra thick.

Does anyone know where a guy could send their skates in order to have some custom work done like a different pad on the tongue? G

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