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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Body Alignment and Skate Alignment

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Graf makes the stiffest holder.  That is the ONLY thing it has going for it.  Everything else about it is crap.  If it were up to me, I would rather put you in PITCH.

Well now that I just spent 100 bucks for them.......Whats the problem with them.....I never see Graf skates with different holders. Then I'll trade you cobras for Pitch. :P

EDIT: you know what else is funny about this hole thing is if on the first try we can find my balance point I would'nt even have to change the holders... The cobras are just a precaution!

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Graf makes the stiffest holder.  That is the ONLY thing it has going for it.  Everything else about it is crap.  If it were up to me, I would rather put you in PITCH.

IS the Cobra holder the only solid holder?

In your opinion, how would you rank the available holders in terms of stiffness?

I'm just curious as my next skates are 709 double wides (sounds like a mobile home doesn't it?) and I will get the full treatment on them (blade alignment, radius, etc.).

The holders on my S300's are twisted because of my hugeness (290 lbs) so I'm having my doubts about Pitch holders being a good idea for me.

How can u get double wide on Graf?? Custom order?? What will be the cost? PM me if u can. thanks!

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Well I finally got my skates back after several Dr visits walking tests and skating for several different people. Basically I push to the outside when skating because my body pressure is aprox. 1 inch off center of my foot. so it was decided to move both blades to the outside aprox. 2mm. We kept the Graf holder because of the strength and dependability over the LS. I found out that the pitch of the graf holder isnt any different then the LS because the Graf boot is what makes the pitch, not the holder. We laid them on a steel table and both the holders looked identical as far as pitch. When I was on the Ice it felt awesome, like all of my body weight was on top of the blade. Skating was effortless. the holder is very stiff and felt awesome because you feel the ice so much better than the LS. Agility felt the same.




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I used to have Cobra's on my Bauer Air 90s because of my supination and whenever guys saw my skates, they ask "Why Cobra's on Bauers?" and I had to go on this hour long techincal speil about why and what my podiatrist said etc. It was very redundant. I was 17 at the time, too so everybody thought I was just doing it for kicks. Anyway, what size are those holders? I have since gone back to Tuuk C+ and I have a pair of 263 Cobra's, with steel, in excellent shape.

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I used to have Cobra's on my Bauer Air 90s because of my supination and whenever guys saw my skates, they ask "Why Cobra's on Bauers?" and I had to go on this hour long techincal speil about why and what my podiatrist said etc. It was very redundant. I was 17 at the time, too so everybody thought I was just doing it for kicks. Anyway, what size are those holders? I have since gone back to Tuuk C+ and I have a pair of 263 Cobra's, with steel, in excellent shape.

280MM....... We could of kept the LS or went to tuuk+ but it seems the Cobra is the "official" If you have this problem holder.

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280MM....... We could of kept the LS or went to tuuk+ but it seems the Cobra is the "official" If you have this problem holder.

That's what I was told as well but the inconsistencies with Cobra steel led to back to Tuuks, I ended up putting 3mm lifts to compensate for the lost in height.

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I know that i have a problem appling even presure on my xxx's.

I was told that for some reason some skates will show the problem more or less. My 8090 holders wernt bent as bad but still alot of pain. And you can see how bad the holders on my 30 are bent in this thread! I also found out that was why I was getting alot of outer thigh leg cramping.....fighting my skates with every stride. now it feels very fluid like.

Spelling <_<

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Just wanted to give you guys that were interested in this thread an update. Well found out today that my soles on my 30's ripped off because of the blade alignment (To much pressure on one side) So since I just got a new pair of 8090's and we did the same thing; so without risking it..the holders on the 8090 are going back were they belong and I just got home from the foot doctor. they took a cast of my foot and I should have my orthotics in a few weeks (275.00). went and got a third opinion today and my problem is just too bad to be fixed through the skates. the orthics I am getting will go over the stock insole and will give me the correct support needed to fix the problem. It was also cool because they made a cast of my 8090's so the orthotics will feet tight in the skate. So I guess what i am trying to say is that if you are having the same problem just get orthotics!!; Trust me I could show you all the receipts and that would convince you :P

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