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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well, i hope to get more weights, but for now all i have is two dumbells. any ideas on how i can sue them to get stronger legs so i can skate faster? right now i can only think of holding them while i do lunges.


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You can do a lot of excercises with dumbells or just your body weight. You can do lunges, step-ups, one legged squats, 2 legged squats, and you can even do squat jumps with light weight (20-35 lbs).

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Single leg squat with dumbells would be a real killer:


You can do some calf stuff, by sitting down, put the dumbell on your thigh, and use your foot to raise you weighted leg.

You can hold the dumbells and stand up on your toes.

You can strap a dumbell onto your ankle, lie down, and do all sorts of forward, backward, sideways lifts.

You can put a dumbell on the ground, put a towel over your foot, and raise the dumbell with your toes--heel on the ground.

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