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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soccer is the most exciting sport!

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Well i have to say soccer matches are hit and miss , you get really good exciting games but you also get really boring 0-0 draws. But having said that i am a big football fan as most of us Londoners are :D

Nothing beats MATCH OF THE DAY!

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But even though I've been in the US for about 15 years, I still can't sit through more than about 5 minutes of an American football game without falling asleep (too little action, too much standing around), but I'm sure if I grew up playing it, I'd love it.

I'm a bit confused by this statement, since in soccer a guy receives the ball, kicks it, and then stands around. I grew up with both, I actually played soccer for a while when I was younger, then got turned onto hockey, and dropped soccer cold turkey. Too many sissy pre-madonnas, faking injuries, and there just wasn't enough action for me. But I would like to know what these scientists were smoking while coming up with this study, because I would like to purchase some. Thank you...

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