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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pattern DB - Curve Size?

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I was looking around for a new stick and decided to check out the pattern db for the first time. What a great tool!

However, I couldn't figure out what the Curve Size measures. Also, if it's not too complicated, could someone explain how I could recreate (recheck) the measurement at home or at my LHS.

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Curve size measures the depth pf the curve. The topic about blade key had an explanation. My guess would be to put the blade on graph paper from and draw a vertical line down the graph paper where the curve starts and draw a horizontal line from the toe so you get a triangle like shape. Then take a ruler and measure it.

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Thanks for the explanation but I'm still a bit confused.

For example, CCM's Recchi and Bonk patterns are both rated Moderate Depth, however Recchi is 3/4" curve size and Bonk is 1/2" curve size. How is this possible? or did I interpret something incorrectly? :ph34r:

Thanks for your patience.

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