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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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school grading scale

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damm u guys are so lucky

i go to the hardest public school in cali

monta vista

we were on the front page of the wallstreet journal cause we had too many asians

im a minority at my school lol (im white btw)

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EDIT: You know, I really hated scantron when I was in school. I also found that the profs took just as long, if not LONGER to return exams. I mean, how long does it take to run a stack of cards through a damn machine? Profs are just lazy bastards.

I hate the Scantrons because it cost $2.00 USD for a pack of 6 pieces of paper. Its paper, 6 pieces isn't worth that much. The one advantage is that the Scantrons cut down on the amount of essay question, which is good for me.

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We have two 150 minute classes a day. We are on the semester system, so we have four classes a semester, then when we are done the semester we switch over to our other four classes for the rest of the year.

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EDIT: You know, I really hated scantron when I was in school.  I also found that the profs took just as long, if not LONGER to return exams.  I mean, how long does it take to run a stack of cards through a damn machine?  Profs are just lazy bastards.

I hate the Scantrons because it cost $2.00 USD for a pack of 6 pieces of paper. Its paper, 6 pieces isn't worth that much. The one advantage is that the Scantrons cut down on the amount of essay question, which is good for me.

scantrons SUCK

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