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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting insurance coverage on last mouthguard

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So I had my last Dentist mouthguard done during a dental checkup and I also mentioned that my teeth have been sore because i've been grinding them while sleeping. So he went ahead and made a similar mouthguard except it came up a bit higher on the gums and said I could use it as both a Hockey mouthguard and a 'nightguard'. On my past mouthguards from him they weren't covered by our dental, however, since it is both used for hockey and for night time use it WAS covered by my plan.. Just wanted to share incase any of you grinders at night time didn't have a mouthguard included in your plan and didn't think you could afford one ;)

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to be honest, I dunno if my dentist just did a brutal job or whatnot, but I find my store bought mouthgaurd more comfortable. Just one of the boil and bite systems they use from shock doctor.

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