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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the spike in wrist shot before it broke

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so like 2 weeks ago

my wrist shot dramatically improved

like over night almost

idk how

but anyways i broke my synergy today

is there a connection between the two?

could the break down of the blade/shaft been good for my shot?

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A whippier sticks makes it easier to get off a good wrist shot. You might think about dropping down to a lower flex. What are you using now?

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wut if i cut the blade off

will it fit a tapered blade or standard?

if you cut of the blade it will fit a tapered blade, if you want to use a standard blade, flip it over and put the blade in the handle.

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go with the taper you will have much better results.

------------------------------------ -cut


most ppl cut under the <<(<E>|)>> but better to fist cut off the blade and slowly cut half an inch until it would fit a taper blade (Int)

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ok so i called my lhs to see if they had any intermediate synethesis blades

he said they have a hybrid

and when i told him im putting it in my cut synergy he said its pretty hit and miss wit those things

should i just cut my losses and buy a new ops or get a synthesis blade online?

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