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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM 952 Kevlar Tacks

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My beloved Microns fell apart on me Monday night and I made an uncharataristically quick decision to replace without a ton of research and competitive pricing.

I tried on Bauer 2000s and 4000s a few other things and ended up with CCM 952 Kevlar Tacks. Had them heat fitted and sharpenned and am looking forward to my first outing in them.

A search has revealed very little about these and I was wondering what people might know about them. I know that they were some previous year's model and I bought them for $190 marked down from $330. I'm sure I could have beaten that, but compared to other in the shop at that price range I feel pretty good. Thoughts?

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those tacks are fairly old. A friend of mine has them and a lot of the eyelets are falling out at this point. He's had them for quite a while. Kevlar doesn't make them bullet resistant/proof, but it sure does add slash and cut resistance. I'm quite sure that they use kevlar on the quarters of the skate, correct me if I'm wrong. All in all, not a bad skate, but for $190 for a skate that old, seems quite pricey.

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I have a pair that I only wore for a couple months before I found 00 1052s. The Kevlar 952s are 98-99 model year if I am not mistaken. My friend has worn some since then and though the toes are pretty much bare of fabric, they have otherwise held up well. The kevlar sadly accounts only for some threads throughout the skates. They stand up well not because of that but rather the tank-like base of the skate. A bit heavy but cool skates. They were CCM's top model at the time.

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I have a pair that I only wore for a couple months before I found 00 1052s. The Kevlar 952s are 98-99 model year if I am not mistaken. My friend has worn some since then and though the toes are pretty much bare of fabric, they have otherwise held up well. The kevlar sadly accounts only for some threads throughout the skates. They stand up well not because of that but rather the tank-like base of the skate. A bit heavy but cool skates. They were CCM's top model at the time.

I'd imagine that if they used any substantial amount of kevlar, the skate would end up costing a lot more, especially at that point in time, if in fact it was a late '90s model. That said, CCM built tanks back then, and the quality of skates was, IMO, better.

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