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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Origional lightspeed Steel ?

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I have a pair of Bauer 8000's with the origional lightspeed holder and steel. I notice that i get chunks taken out of the edge. Also instead of losing my edge in a small spot(compared to my custom plus holders) the bad part of the edge seems to be longer. Does anyone else have this problem?

Also do you think switching to LS2 Steel would be a good idea?

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I experienced the same problem when I had my 8000s. After one game I noticed alot of chipping as well. I think the LS2 steel is much better...I think it's also made from a different place as well.

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I experienced the same problem when I had my 8000s. After one game I noticed alot of chipping as well. I think the LS2 steel is much better...I think it's also made from a different place as well.

Take the LS1 steel off! Get the LS2. There has been many discussions about the bad LS1 steel.

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