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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pant Fitting

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Hey guys, I've searched through topics and haven't really found any info on the way you guys like your pants to fit. Sizewise, apparently pants are supposed to go high enough so that they cover the kidneys and just low enough so they just graze the tops of the knee caps. I'm probably going to get some Bauer 4000s in a size M as I'm a 32 waist and about 6' tall. When standing, they do exactly that, but when I lift my legs, I notice that they slide up fairly high in comparison to my current pants (Sherwood 6000). I'm just wondering if this will make a difference, and if so, should I move up to a size L. Any input would be great.

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Hey guys, I've searched through topics and haven't really found any info on the way you guys like your pants to fit. Sizewise, apparently pants are supposed to go high enough so that they cover the kidneys and just low enough so they just graze the tops of the knee caps. I'm probably going to get some Bauer 4000s in a size M as I'm a 32 waist and about 6' tall. When standing, they do exactly that, but when I lift my legs, I notice that they slide up fairly high in comparison to my current pants (Sherwood 6000). I'm just wondering if this will make a difference, and if so, should I move up to a size L. Any input would be great.

I would say go for a Large, i presume you are done growing. You could allways unzip the thighs if they are a little to long...i wouldn't be too worried about it.

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