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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex question?

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At the moment im using a 100 flex easton z bubble with a wood extension as there so short :angry: and it seems quite flexy. But yesterday i held my friends bauer X shaft 102 flex with no wood extension and it flet alot stiffer. Also i held a Endure shaft which was 77 flex and it felt quite stiff.

Is there a reason for the flex difference or am i just going mad :huh:

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I believe that if you add an extension to a shaft you make it more flexible. That would probably explain the difference between the Bauer and Easton shafts that you tried. Also shafts are stiffer when they are new. They whip out the more you use them.

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If you plan on putting in an extension, just remember that the Vapor X has a wheelbarrow handle on it.

Bauer shafts are the right length for me so i wouldn't need an extension ;)

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If you plan on putting in an extension, just remember that the Vapor X has a wheelbarrow handle on it.

Bauer shafts are the right length for me so i wouldn't need an extension ;)

Yeah, wish Easton would make their shafts longer instead of adding an extension.

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If you plan on putting in an extension, just remember that the Vapor X has a wheelbarrow handle on it.

Bauer shafts are the right length for me so i wouldn't need an extension ;)

Yeah, wish Easton would make their shafts longer instead of adding an extension.

I totally agree :(

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