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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off Topic ::: careers realated to hockey equipment

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For a school assignment, I've been assigned the topic of protective equipment in sports. I decided to do the project on hockey equipment. Most of the assignment is related to the design and safety of the equipment, but there is a section that asks

"What careers are related to the manufacture and use of your safety device(s)?"

I was hoping if anyone here is in the business could share some knowledge with me.

thanks alot

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It says manufacture AND use. So under use, you can obviously throw hockey players and officials.

Under manufacture, you are going to have marketing and sales, research and development, designers, engineers, possibly chemists, CAD operators, possibly machinists. And, I would assume some type of general laborer for the actual assembly of the product. Don't for get buyers for the raw materials.

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