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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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D. Hatcher Suspended

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He deserves it, but I think 3 games is a little much. I remember in 02 when fatass Fischer gave someone a crosscheck to the face, he only got 1 game. It seems like the penalties in the playoffs are always random.

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I think it's 3 games because of the situation. They've kind've batter around the number that 1 playoff games = 3 regular season games (suspension wise) therefore this would've been a 1 game suspension in playoffs. It was very similar to the hit he layed on Sykora back when they lost to the Devils and was with Dallas.

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Can he sit out 3 pre-season games? Or is he allowed to play those and not play the first 3 regular season games, or just no games at all untill after the wings first 3 regular season games? Im confused about how that works.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Im glad he got that i hate hatcher. If there is a season that is.

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