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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk P38 (Datsyuk) Blade lie

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I just bought a Rbk 6k tapered blade, datsyuk pattern, and put it in a shaft. It appears to be about the same as my TPS Nash pattern. Is the p38 indeed a 5.5 lie blade?

If it is, I might have to look into 7k sticks... The square toe and nice curve, very close to my Sakic clone, and less open seems perfect for me.

(Yes I was just asking about a Drury, but this was more convenient as my LHS has this in a tapered blade.)

Thanks in advance.

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Sorry to bump this one up but I figured better to bump than start another thread. If anybody knows the lie of a Datsyuk I'd like to know also. I need a new blade for my shaft and I've bought a blade or two I thought were close enough in lie to what I needed but after buying them felt my play suffered so I just want to be sure this time. Thanks.

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I did search and this was the closest I found to an answer. I wasn't sure if Project 2501 was sure it was a 5.5 or not. I even went to my LHS and compared a Datsyuk to some curves I knew were 5 as I'm looking for a 5 lie. I just couldn't tell so I thought I'd ask. But yeah, thanks for confirming it is a 5.5 Project 2501 and Shagel.

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