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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening Numbers

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I'm 6'3 243lbs, I'm quite happy with the way my skate have been sharpened, but the guy who does them is leaving the business..........I would like to know how the number go........ie. 1/2, 5/8,3/8 and some of the other numbers 9/16 or something to that effect sorry I don't know to much about how the number go, I would like to label the bottom of my skate with the proper number can someone help with the number series from shapest to not so sharp

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sharpening can be different at any number of places it is hard to get a good at some places.

they go like this from sharpest( more depth in the hollow) to less depth


those are the normal skater sharpenings that people ask for at my shop

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The numbers are Radius of Hollow (ROH ) numbers.

Typical numbers range from 1/4" deepest to 1" shallowest for a player.

Just add fractions of 1/32th between these extremes to come up with all the possible tangible settings.


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