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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Junior Question

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I'm fully grown (32 yrs old) and 5'6'' 160 lbs and unfortunately size 6 Senior Mission Skates and all senior roller skates I've tried (all but new RBKs) are too big for me. My feet are both 24.5cm long...

I've been wearing old size 7.5 '99 Mission VSI Teams that must fit only because they're so narrow that my feet can't move in them.

Would the junior 10000s be strong enough for me? Durable enough?

What is the wheel setup on the junior 10000s? The Mission website and other online stores do not list the wheel setup...

If the setup isn't 72-80, would I be able to squeeze a 72-80 chassis onto the skate? I've used 68-76 Nike HiHos (size 5.5) and felt I lost too much speed & front wheel grip/durability).

Thanks a lot in advance for your help...

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yeah the wheel sizes would be 68-76 wheel sizes. Im not sure if you could squeeze a 72-80 hilo on that boot. It would probably be really close.. the answer lies with justin

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