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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro model equipment

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personally, I find it to be extremely frustrating that a lot of pro equipment does not match the consumer equipment that it is branded to look like. It seems like deceptive marketing and makes me not trust or want to buy products from that manufacturer.

I miss the days when you could buy a hockey product used by a pro because you knew the pro chose it for performance and not because the got paid to place consumer model branding on a product you couldn't buy.

I'm not complaining about custom products since the custom options are generally available to the consumer.

sticks seem to suffer the most from this. skates too.

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Welcome to the world of business.....Companies are going to cut corners on things to make a buck anytime....Sticks and skates are custom because they are the 2 most important pieces of equipment for pros and players alike, but more importantlly for the pro's...you can get custom skates as well, and also sticks but sticks especially OPS cost so much to manufacture that it would be impossiable and not to mention very costly for companies to make customs for eveyone, thats why you see like min. of 10 etc.. on custom stick orders and alot of companies wont do it for the general public and most of the consumers couldnt afford to buy the customs anyway...

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personally, I find it to be extremely frustrating that a lot of pro equipment does not match the consumer equipment that it is branded to look like. It seems like deceptive marketing and makes me not trust or want to buy products from that manufacturer.

I miss the days when you could buy a hockey product used by a pro because you knew the pro chose it for performance and not because the got paid to place consumer model branding on a product you couldn't buy.

I'm not complaining about custom products since the custom options are generally available to the consumer.

sticks seem to suffer the most from this. skates too.

Then it seems you will have to start using equipment because you like the product and it fits you/fits your needs. Crazy concept.

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