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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z-carbon si core blade

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How well does his blade performs compare to other blade?? Is there any diff btween the normal Z-carbon?? feedback is appreciatted

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They have been very good for me, but is usually one in a bad batch that won't last, and that one for me just happened to be in the curve i like!

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How well does his blade performs compare to other blade?? Is there any diff btween the normal Z-carbon?? feedback is appreciatted

I love the blade,Great performance seems to have a better feel over the regular Z-Carbon. I am pretty sure its lighter too.

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I prefer the normal silver Z-Carbon blade. The Si-Core blades were nice, but they seemed to break a lot faster than the regular Z-Carbon. The feel with the Si-Core is slightly better. For shooting, I didn't find any difference in performance. If you are looking for a composite blade with good feel, try and find an Inno or a Bauer Vapor X.

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