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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Palms on Bauer XX?

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I was wondering the same thing because the palms on my XXX are trash, and the replacements are the same as the original, I'm sure they could sew any palm on to the glove as long as they are for the relative same sized glove

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I was wondering the same thing because the palms on my XXX are trash, and the replacements are the same as the original, I'm sure they could sew any palm on to the glove as long as they are for the relative same sized glove

How many times do you play a week? and how long did your XXX gloves last?


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I was wondering the same thing because the palms on my XXX are trash, and the replacements are the same as the original, I'm sure they could sew any palm on to the glove as long as they are for the relative same sized glove

How many times do you play a week? and how long did your XXX gloves last?


I got the gloves in November, I play 3 to 4 times a week, My top hand palm is worn down, with a slight hole, bottom hand is getting there because i use candycane, so after 3 months maybe they are pretty screwed up.

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