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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it just me?

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I just won some new gloves on eBay. As it woks out, the seller is about an hour away from me and was charging $15 for shipping. After the auction (I know, I know) I email her to see if 1) I could just pick them up, or 2) she could charge me actual shipping (would have been like $5-7). She emails me back the following: "No you can't pick them up and no I won't lower shipping. Thanks for asking". How about a little love for a hockey brother? WTF??????

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It didn't hurt to ask. You made a reasonable request. When I sell on eBay and that person is within driving distance, I try to accomodate. It actually makes it easier on me (time involved to pack and ship). However, some people just want to make an extra buck or two by taking advantage of the buyer by charging too much for shipping...call it a "handling" fee.

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It's a pet peeve of mine when people try to make extra money on the shipping, so I generally won't bid. However, if I feel the product doesn't show up on eBay, I'll email the person first, "Hey, I'm interested in bidding but, before I do, I wanted to know whether you'd be willing to let me pick it up or ship it by XYZ Method at $7.00."

Sometimes I get a "Sure, no problem," while others I get no response. I've always thought that the no response was another way of saying, "No, I'd rather make some money off of shipping."

The silly thing is most people would bid higher on the item if the shipping is less.

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