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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Commercials

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Did any of you do this??? If I had known and lived nearby, I would have done it for sure...


World-wide sports apparel giant is seeking HOCKEY PLAYERS, ages 20-35, to play members of the Canadian Hockey Team. Principals will be two NHL stars. Must be available for an audition Monday, 1/31, and shoot day Tues, 1/31. Audition Monday is from 9-11 AM at a local ice rink where we will check out your skills. Also need photo doubles for Scott Niedermeyer (6'1", 200 lbs., brown hair collar length), and Martin St. Louis (5'9", 181 lbs.). Please e-mail me with a phone number and the words "Hockey Player" in the subject line. Also tell me your hockey experience (years played, last level played, do you play currently in a league, awards, etc.) I will either call you or e-mail you the audition info. Good Luck!!! This shoots in Los Angeles.

Job location is Los Angeles

Compensation: $250.00

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