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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cutting sticks

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Depends on alot of factors, where the flexpoint is, how tall it is to start, how much you are cutting off. I remember there was a rough estimate of 4 "points" stiffer per inch or something like that a while back, but it really depends on the type of stick and other factors.

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what about cutting a synergy SL 85 flex?

He answered that in the post above.4 Flex for every inch cut off.I think you use be using 50 Flex instead of 85,becuase of the lack of common sense,making me think you are 12.

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what about cutting a synergy SL 85 flex?

Cut it to where you feel it should be. It's a situation where if you get to a point where if will really disturb the flex, you'll be using a stick way too tall anyways.

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