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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opinions on CCM Tacks 652 helmet (w/cage)?

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I'm pretty much a beginner (have been playing for 6 months) but played street hockey before this. Just wanted your opinions on this helmet.

Also, anyone have any recommendations on elbow pads? I don't want anything top of the line of course, but something decent.


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I had one when I first started out. Hated it because it would pinch the sides of my head and I would get a terrible headache. Now have a Nike 0004.

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A great helmet. If it fits well, i'd say go with it. You cant go wrong. As for the elbowpads, my choise would probably be the RBK 5K:s.

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