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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pf10's-set up

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any feedback on the ccm pf10's-I am wearing a pair and they are comfortable and pretty light weight. The blue flames seem pretty light but I am not impressed with the bearing(micro abec 7's). anyone else have the same issue. What have you replaced them with? I am thinking micro titaninum. any thoughts? <_<

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been using the PF10 for a good 5 months now i think... best skate i've skated on and i've tried them all the way back to blacklighting. yes the bearings suck and if i were you i would go with the swiss 688 micro bearings. no point on going cheap if you have a top of the line skates.

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Been skating 15hrs a week on them for 8 months, love the blue flames, best grip ever, however with painted concrete floor they do not last long ( longer than the 816's though) but have now gone to the r/r/ outdoor wheel and I should not be getting the amount of grip I am able to (6'3" 110 kg) amazing wheels, no problems with the bearings though, but now using 608 with the wheels. Broke four rivets and replaced them with little bolts and nuts. I think the skate lock is a brilliant idea as i like a lose foot and tight ankle. Unfortunatley I am having a few problems with my boot, durability wise much to do with the amount of time in them, but dont think I should be, given the amount they cost over here in Aust.$1,199.00 But for my opinion of the skate, It is without doubt the most comfortable boot I have skated in and absolutley love the tri wheel chassis, What a difference it makes to my skating. 10/10

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been using the PF10 for a good 5 months now i think... best skate i've skated on and i've tried them all the way back to blacklighting. yes the bearings suck and if i were you i would go with the swiss 688 micro bearings. no point on going cheap if you have a top of the line skates.

thanks guys for the feedback. I will check out the swiss micro's....

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