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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech Matrix SG955 - Catcher's Style Shinguards

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This was the best pic I could find, I'll try to get a better one later...


Since it's kind of hard to see, what I'm trying to show is that these have a tab/plate that covers the top of your skate, like a catcher's shinguard in baseball. I've had these for several seasons now and I've been pretty happy, minus a few stitches that came undone and needed repair. My question is why haven't more companies made a shinguard with baseball style caps for the tops of your skates? Obviously you have to wear your shinguards on the outside. The weight is not an issue, it doesn't affect skating, and it covers a weak point when blocking shots. So why haven't we seen this again? These are the only ones I've ever seen with this.

Thoughts please.

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