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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AAA hockey for my son?

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Yes, you are "far off" as it's not about me at all. As far as my son goes, hockey is life. If there is no snow on the ground he is rollerblading in the driveway practicing. If there is snow, he is in the basement practicing. He stick handles all the time in the house. I never have to ask him to do any of this. He watches every Red Wing game (Go Wings!) from begining to end and will analyze the plays out loud after a particularly good one. It's almost unhealthy. If he did not do well in school (thank God), I would not let him indulge the way he does. I know he can play AAA. The question is/ was... is it really all that and will he gain that much more going as a 9 year old?

Sorry i just wanted to hear it, if he wants to i'd let him go as far as he can, it's nice to see you are so supportive, my parents have only just started to tell me that i should move upwards. So good luck to your son

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I guess what bothers me the most is your statement that there are no 97 AAA teams yet. What is the projected number of teams? If there aren't enough AAA teams you could find yourself playing against AA teams just to have someone to play for the cost of AAA.

Let me try and clear this point up. Maybe it's a Michigan thing, but First year Squirt (9) age is the first year that AAA is an option. It goes by year of birth. For example, last year 1996ers were the "new team". Now there will always be a 96 team. They will be 10 next season and will be Squirt Major. In 2 years, the 98's will be Squirt Minors, but right now there is no 98 team either. The AAA associations exist and all have teams, but they don't start/ form until the kids are 9 years old (Squirts). My son is a 97. I hope that makes sense.

The coach in question already coaches another team in the same association and is proven.

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