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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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7500 v. Code Red

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Well, the PF10's seems to still be around $400, and I can't even say I'm impressed with the boot builld quality. Doesn't mean the skate is not good, I guess if I went with CCM, I'd take a Tack boot and find a shop that can do a good job attaching a chassis to it..

The boot on the PF10s is actually very solid, despite the looks of the whole line. I had a pair for some time, but had an issue because at the top part of the stiffening package was poking through where the top of the boot is all sewed together and it actually sliced the side of my leg open right above the ankle. Other than getting a fluke issue like that, the PF10's were amazing skates the whole way around. The boot is a tank, the frame is uber light and it comes with awesome wheels. The minis that come stock are pretty bad, but that's easy to fix. They are also dropping in price alot of places, so you can pursue Mission and RBKs top skates at 500ish, Tour at 400ish or CCM at 350ish.

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