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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking Missions in San Diego

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First post, so please forgive.

I recently bought a pair of the new 5500s. I want to bake them, but I have a few issues...

1-From what I can tell, there's only one place near my house in San Diego [perhaps in all of San Diego County] that has a SkateBake oven. Sadly, simply having the oven does not necessarily mean that the personnel at this particular rink know how to actually use it. The other rink in my neighbourhood doesn't sell Mission skates and, hence, no SkateBake oven. I didn't ask if he had any other method of baking them since I want to go strictly "by the book" as far as warranty coverage goes. Does anyone have a bead on a GOOD, RELIABLE LHS in San Diego County?

2- There's a lot of lateral flex in my ankle when I skate in them; would baking solve this issue by making a tighter fit to my ankle?

3- I have odd feet wherein my foot is relatively narrow until you pass my instep, when the forefoot widens considerably. Does this particular boot stretch enough during baking to make it more comfortable? It's not so tight to the point of pain, but it's definitely a nuisance.

Any help is greatly appreciated, fellas!


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the lateral fex at the ankle area could be because you have crappy skates that just don't have the support.. not sure but something to keep in mind. if that is the case you could try getting ankle straps... i got some off epuck that are really good but they don't sell them anymore but you can get some cheaper ones off here... straps

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