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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa 9090 vs 9040 vs RBK shinguards

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I have unfortunately cracked the shell on my 9090s and am looking for a replacement. The 9090s are hard to find, but I noticed that there are some 9040s out there. Whats the difference?

Also, is the RBK 8K the replacement to the 9090s?


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9040's are very light and offer no wrap around protewction and very little side protection. They are really comfortable and about the lightest shin pads I've encountered.....they do, on the other hand, leave a lot of your calf unprotected. You feel it a little more on a hard fall up front, but they never got me hurt by any shots on the front.

I've switched to 9060's for better protection.

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