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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 110 OPS question

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I found a Vector 110 OPS Stiff Shaft at a place close to where I live. This place sells unclaimed baggage from airports. Anyway, it was a left handed shot and the blade was really beat up. I bought it for 20.00 and cut the blade off. It is a tapered shaft. If I put a right handed blade in the top and use it upside down, is that gonna affect the flex of the shaft when I shoot? :blink:

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Vectors OPS are pretty much useless as a shaft.if you flip it and put a standard blade in you are going to have to shave some of it down for it to fit.

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worst comes to worst, sell it on ebay :P

the flex will be messed up if its tapered (if you flip it, you get the flexier part in your hands and the harder part at the bottom). i guess you could POSSIBLY adjust, but thatd be annoying. could also put like a street hockey blade in it and do stuff

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worst comes to worst, sell it on ebay :P

the flex will be messed up if its tapered (if you flip it, you get the flexier part in your hands and the harder part at the bottom). i guess you could POSSIBLY adjust, but thatd be annoying. could also put like a street hockey blade in it and do stuff

wrong.The flexier part wont be in your hands.I use flipped OPS Shafts all the time and cant tell the difference between them and a standard shaft.The V110 is able to be used as a tapered shaft so theres no worring about that.

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I did this exact same thing with mine and it works FINE!! When flipped, the only thing you should have to sand down is if you need to put a plug in it to lengthen the shaft. A normal head with fit with not problem.

As far as flex goes, I can't tell a difference. It feels fine.

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wrong.The flexier part wont be in your hands.I use flipped OPS Shafts all the time and cant tell the difference between them and a standard shaft.The V110 is able to be used as a tapered shaft so theres no worring about that.

huh? then v110 isnt tapered? i dunno. i havent done nothing like that anyways. it probably dont feel too different though.

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