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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX vapor

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i have broke now ccm vector pros (4months) XX vapor (6months) and now i'm buying XXX vapor will the durable or will i broke them too. i have very flexible ankle so i need pretty stiff skate. would you recommend me some other skate??

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Guest easton10

As far as supporting your ankles, the XXX would be great, As far as dependability, thats another question. I have heard good and bad about the XXX. The 8090 are a great overall skate and you can get them cheap now. But the 8090 is alot different fitting skate then the XXX. I am metioning the 8090's because they have great support and I have found them to be very dependable. I own a pair.I have had them for 4 months now and not one crease or signs of breaking down.

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i tried the 8090 but that dosen't fit right for my feet its too wide or something.

othervise i have heard only good things about those 8090

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Guest easton10
i tried the 8090 but that dosen't fit right for my feet its too wide or something.

othervise i have heard only good things about those 8090

I kinda thought if you were looking at the XXX, the 8090 would'nt work.

But I figured I would throw that out there.

In that case, I would go for the Vapors. Some of my teammates have them and love them. But they got a rid of the perf. steel.

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