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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Laptop help wanted

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I am in the market for a laptop and figured the young guys around here would be in the know. It will replace the desktop I have and will need to do the following:

1) Surf the net w/ high speed connection at home and wireless when away.

2) Play some games

3) eMail

4) Light business use.

I am not looking for the Mr. Motherf&*er of all computers here. Just something of good quality that will not break the bank. What do you think of used/ refurbished stuff?

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Stay away from Compaq/HP (the build quality is crap--they just fall apart).

I liked my Dell Latitude; I don't know if the Inspirons are on the same level or not.

IBM (now Lenovo) has a good reputation with their Thinkpads, but they tend towards the more expensive end in my experience.

My mom loves her Sony Vaio; I don't know how they stack up pricewise, but they're pretty portable and have lots of features as far as I know.

Whatever you get, get as much warranty as you can afford (or enough to cover however long you anticipate having it). Laptops take a lot of abuse, and they're impossible to fix unless you send it back to the manufacturer (and if it's out of warranty they'll charge you $$$$$$ to fix it).

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