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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

Icing Rules

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If I was in my own zone and passed the puck up to the winger situated between the red line and the blue line but the winger missed but the puck did hit the side boards, does that still count as icing?

And what if players were close enough to the puck as it went by them slowly along the side boards?

Just wondering next time if I should just get it out of the zone but not as fast. Just wondering.

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Yes, hitting the boards does not negate icing; someone has to touch the puck.

If players on the other team (the one that didn't ice the puck) could have played it (in the ref's opinion) but did not, icing won't be called.

The best method for clearing but not icing is to either bank it sharply off the board (so that most of its speed is going across the ice, not down it) or flip it up into the air (coming down and hitting the ice will help slow it down).

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