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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-wood gloves

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I've been looking at some Sherwood gloves online and wanted to get some opinions on them. I'm debating between the X6's and the 5030's. Any likes / dislikes will help me out a lot since I have to order these online.



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My team got Sher-Wood 9950 Pros and 9950 Lites. They are absolutely the worst gloves I've ever used. The palms completely wore away after 1 season. And, I've had more hand injuries with these gloves in 2 seasons than I ever did in 9 years of playing before. I think my CCM Powerline 90's from 1994 ($25 gloves) were better than these Sher-Woods. At least the 9950s have some decent mobility to them (a little less than my Eagle X50). I'm not sure about the X6's as they are brand new, but I can't see them being much or any better than 9950.

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My bad SRI, I (along with most of my team) was just so unhappy with my 9950s. I know I shouldn't judge something new before trying it. My post certainly seems a little anti-Sher-Wood, which couldn't be further from the truth; I've been using their other stuff since I was a peewee.

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I had a pair of 5030's and did not like them. I have average sized hands and found them to be very wide-fitting and loose - so much that I found myself thinking about them falling off when not gripping my stick. Also, they just feel kind of flimsy. The padding is very soft, and there are no inserts, so you can almost crumple these gloves into a ball. They're light and flexible with good feel, just not what I was looking for. I had thought that they were the new version of the 5060, which I had worn for years and loved, but they most definitely are not.

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