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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Baking

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:huh: If I pick up a pair of Bauer 6000 or 8000 in d width-will baking them cause the ball of the foot area to snug up any-I tried some on and the fit was ok with just a slight bit of movement on the ball. When I press in on the skate in this area with slight pressure it snugs up

Would baking and lacing them tight on the bake-in snug this???

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you can try baking them and it should be fine.. if there are still problems you should focus on the area and have a pro at your lhs help you

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:huh: If I pick up a pair of Bauer 6000 or 8000 in d width-will baking them cause the ball of the foot area to snug up any-I tried some on and the fit was ok with just a slight bit of movement on the ball. When I press in on the skate in this area with slight pressure it snugs up

Would baking and lacing them tight on the bake-in snug this???

strange you have that problem, when i baked my 8000s i never had any problems

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from what I have read on this site skates only get bigger not smaller through baking and wear. So while short term you may be able to snug it up through lacing as the skates break in it will become loose again. Maybe one of the experts can verify this?

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