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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Revisions - Grip vs. Speed.

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Hey, all the recent threads/posts about the revisions and rink rat wheels has made we want to try out some revisions, just to see what all the fuss is about!

I was looking at the guide/matrix thing, and was wondering. It has Grip, speed and combo set ups, have any of your noticed much of a difference between them?

Say if you have gone for the grip or combo, is there much of a difference in speed? or has going for the speed one made you feel you had much less grip?

Just want to make sure i get the right set up if im going to be spending a lot wheels.

Also, what is the durability like with these?

Thanks in advance -


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Ash, we just got a delivery of them in.several players bought them at Farnbrough this sunday & were happy with them compared to Rink rats.

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well only people who have used 2 different set ups can share what they think. Ive used a all platinum set up. a combo (plat-gold-gold-plat) and gold setup. Right now im on golds because i gained some more weight. When i went from the platinums to the combo i def. felt a difference. Obviously the softer wheel is in the front and back giving you a better kick off when you start up and is softer on the turns and bends more. The golds ad more speed because they are a harder wheel in the middle. I would recommend you trying a combo set up. The reason why i say this is because you can then see if your going to need more grip or more speed after you try these out. Hopefully you will like the combo set up. OR if your a forward and want speed then go for the speed and if your a defenseman go for grip maybe. Dont be scared when the matrix says speed, dont worry these wheels will still grip like a charm!

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