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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xbox 360 Live NHL 2K6

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I have it. The transition from EA 06 is pretty different. At first I didn't like it, the graphics don't seem that great, the controls are really weird and difficult to learn, and it has a pretty steep learning curve. Plus I hated the crease control. But now after playing it a bunch I like it better than 06. My roommate and I play online a lot. I'm not going to lie, we're pretty good, #26. N1ckk1, somebody try to take us down.

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I have it and I gotta say it's pretty awesome. I also had it on the regular Xbox. True, it doesn't have next gen graphics, but you can definitely notice the difference between the regular Xbox and the 360. I'd say it's the best hockey game I've played thus far. I'm hoping next year's is a true next gen game.

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