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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with adobe 6.5

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im up at tech right now and a friend of mine just made a video for a local high school and hes not here today and now im in charge of burning this to a cd. the whole video itself is 583k, but when i export it to nero, its 1.11gb. any help is greatly appreciated.

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What do you mean by Adobe 6.5? If you can be more specific about what application you're using and what your trying to accomplish I'll try to help.

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That's about the only Adobe application I know nothing about. But to have 1GB of audio and 583k of video sounds fishy to me. You'd have to have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 minutes of uncompressed audio to get that large a file. I have a feeling it's your video that is exporting uncompressed.

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