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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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School and... life? help.

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Well. i lived in Ontario for msot of my life and just recently moved to saskatchewan. I hate it here because i never really had enough time in school to make friends (last half of g12 i moved here). Now my best friend in Ontario is going to college there and iam thinking i mite apply there as well. The thing is, does it make sence to actualy go to a school 25 hours away from where i live just to be with all my friends? Basicaly, iam thinking if we live in rez, then my life is going to be hockey,school,work,work. I guess iam asking for opinions, or info from other ppl that have moved away for school on how they handled the workload and money load and stuff? thanks guys.

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Where in Saskatchewan did you move? I've got friends (first years) at both U of S and U of R and they all seem pretty happy with the situations they have going on there. But I just moved in to res this year at the U of A and I like it. I work at the campus bar on friday nights and make ok cash there, enough to get me by at least. Hockey's really been pushed to the side... I play maybe twice a month with the rec league at school and the games are short, it's still fun, but just not as much hockey as I thought I'd be playing. Living in res is a great way to meet people too, everyone on the floor hangs out and you hang out with people from all the other floors too, it's pretty cool. I think it'd be important to be with all your buds, but if financially it'd be a strain and you think you could settle in wherever you are and make friends, you might as well off staying in Sask.

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If you live in a res at your new school, you'll make friends regardless. Moving away 25 hours has positives like you will have a bit of a safety net and some old ties. Downside is it's far from home if you get into trouble. If you have the cash, I'd suggest moving with your friends or to a semi-local Uni where you can stay in res. Only way I'd stay home is for financial restrictions.

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Only way I'd stay home is for financial restrictions.

Yeah thats basically where I am, I didn't save enough to be able to go away so I'm staying home for a couple years then transfering out East. I was thinking the University of Manitoba.

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I'm at home for University and it was a large part of my decision. I had some other factors this poster doesn't appear to have, and I'm not upset with my choice, but I do see a benefit for leaving in his situation.

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Well I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 years and she's still here. I coach a hockey team here as well. I was doing some volunteer work for my career choice (or at least hopefully). I really didn't want to get into debt working at school as I wasn't garaunteed a job in the summers that paid well so it was a risk at that time. I now have money to go onto school after University which I am expecting to cost alot as well, and that will be my "res time". My highschool was also at a pretty low level because of the area, and alot of the classes weren't able to prepare me for University. I expected this and wanted to stay relatively close so if I ran into trouble (and I did), I had somewhere to go for help.

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