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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Intermediate stick question

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I'm 5'10" and I'm considering using an intermediate stick.

The TPS catalogue states the length of the intermediate stick as 56". This might be a very dumb question, but I want to know how this is measured. Is it the length of the stick + blade when held vertically, like when one measures the length against his nose/chin etc while standing?

Also, does anyone know that the flex of a TPS intermediate stick would be on the Easton scale? I have flexed a whip flex shaft, and it felt pretty flexy to me...I wonder how much whippier an intermediate would be.

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Commonly using 85 flex shafts and i think i need to go far down in flex terms

i'm 5' 7'' and weigh 150.

Nominal flex on TPS int. shafts and sticks is 60 flex, so

I know it's all about personal preferences but, would it be too soft for me?

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I have a reg TPS r10 and im about the same size as you guys and I find it pretty whippy even though it's listed as 90 flex it feels like 75

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