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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Punching Question

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I had my vapor skates punched out because the forefoot was pinching me a little. They also punched the inside of the boot which worked fine on my left foot. However, on the inside of my right foot, in the middle of my foot I have a blister from rubbing that is about 1 inch long and a 1/2 inch wide.

Is there anything that I can do to punch this area back in a little bit? Or am I basically screwed with this pair of skates because the shop punched it out too much?

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But isn't it rubbing because that part they punched because too big? How would punching it more help?

I am wondering because of how several parts of the forefoot were punched. They also punched this and this part because too big, causeing the rubbing. I am worried that punching it out more will cause too much negative space in the skate.

Is it possible to punch it back in a little bit in that area?

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Please explain a little more in detail and I will try to help. Is this a width issue, top of your foot, bottom of foot, small toe, big toe?

Let me know

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I had the skate baked 2 times but before it was punched out.

I have a Vapor 10 skate and it was a pinching my forefoot and just too tight all around.

I had the skate punched out in the forefoot area and it feels good now. I had both skates punched out. Now they feel great except for the one area.

On the inside of my right foot. On the side of my right foot just a little off the middle, closer to the heel. I have rubbing that created a bad blister that is about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide. It becomes too painful to skate sometimes.

They punched out this area but I think because they punched it out too much it is now causing the rubbing. It was only slightly too tight in this area and now it is pretty painful.

Is there anyway I can punch the skate back in that area? Should I even try baking the skate again if the blister is that bad?

Any ideas would help. Thanks.

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On your right foot is it on the inside of the right foot under your arch,

On the outside of your foot by the pinkie toe, middle of foot where the bone is or closer to the heel

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It is on the inside of my right foot on the side above my arch. A little closer to the heal then my toes but generally in the middle. It is rubbing pretty bad. It is between the middle of my foot and the heel bone. Can I punch that back in?

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Any time you apply heat to a skate it will soften and relax that certain area. I would just apply heat to that area and it will eventually go back to normal. Maybe not all the way, but pretty close. You could also press on it with you fingers when it is warm, but i wouldn't press it back in.

If you have a blister in that certain area, I would lace the skate up on your foot, mark the specific area that is causing the pain with a pen or pencil and press it out.

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I have had good luck taking a woodworkers big C-clamp, putting it right on the high spot, torqueing it down and leaving on it overnight.

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I am about to take it back to my pro shop now and see what they can do in terms of heating that one spot. It would be a shame to waste awesome skates early just because of one area that makes it un-useable.

I will let you guys know what happens.

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I just got back from the shop with the skates. They spot heated the area on my right foot, and punched the area back in a little bit. I laced it up and stood there until it cooled off. I'll let you guys know next time I skate in it if it is possible to punch a skate in.

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